No Rest For Electing Democrats - We Need Each Other to Win in 2020

Opportunities To Impact All Our Futures 


The GCDP is doubling our 2018 budget to fund our 2019/2020 county campaign expenses.   Running a county party campaign requires volunteers and funding.  We have expenses we must pay: our 2020 county convention and primary election; professional Field Operations Director; dedicated/paid block walkers; equipment rental, utilities, internet access, and legal fees for a election headquarters; mailing thousands of applications for voting by mail; door hangers for canvassing; additional GCDP yard signs; paying fees for voter outreach tools like Hustle; and paying our monthly bills for PO Box, websites, banking fees, etc.   

To cover most of the budget, we need sustaining (monthly) donations.  We need the equivalent of either 200 supporters donating an average of $20 a month, OR 100 supporters donating an average of $40 a month.  We are currently at about 20% of our 2020 goal.  Start your monthly donations now


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What brings us together as a political party? - Maximizing Equality


What do we have in common that unites us? Why do we support polices that others vehemently oppose and why do we strongly oppose their policies? (This is part 1 of 2.)
What binds us, and what binds our opponents, is our sense of what is morally right as expressed by our moral values. And what research since the 90s has shown is that there are two distinct and opposed views of what is morally right and two sets of moral values? We are all some combination of those two sets.
Our sense of what is morally right and our moral values were learned as the youngest members of our families. Different families and other life situations taught us our different values. For some, our values changed over time.
For most of US: “We came together because of our moral values: care and responsibility, fairness and equality, freedom and courage, fulfillment in life, opportunity and community, cooperation and trust, honesty and openness. We united behind political principles: equality, equity (if you work for a living, you should earn a living) and government for the people–all the people.” — Professor George Lakoff, cognitive linguist.
Let’s explore our moral value of equality and its opposite from our opponent's moral values.
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GCDP Quarterly Newsletter, Issue 1, 2019, with Special Addendum


Galveston County Democratic Party is adding a newsletter to our communication toolbox.  It’s a place where we can provide new information and include updates available elsewhere, all in one place.  It’s a work in progress and any suggestions are welcome.  For now, we plan a quarterly publication.


County Chair Welcome:

On behalf of the Galveston County Democratic Party, I want to welcome you to the premiere issue of our new newsletter.  Your County Party has a lot of activity going on, all focused on our core mission of electing more Democrats to public office in Galveston County.  Please join us as we continue to build our County Democratic Party for our next big gains in November 2020.  Our time is now.  Don’t wait; time is short and there is much to do.  We cannot let this unparalleled opportunity pass us by.  - John Young



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Denial and Division - Resist

The oligarchs, like Rupert Murdoch, are spending billions of Kochkash to protect their interests: #ProfitOverPeople.
Most of us know that 97% of climate science experts agree that climate disruption is ramping up because humans are responsible for record levels of the global warming gas CO2 in our atmosphere.
That leaves 3% who don't agree. Who is paying them to deny climate disruption. Exxon for one:
Just as multinational corporations bride 'experts' to present false science to keep their profits and bonuses growing, they also pay others to create and foment division among political activists who are working for thier best interests, #PeopleOverProfit.
(Note: Profit is not the issue. Stealing profit from the actual profit makers, productive workers, is the issue.)
As we get closer to the 2020 election, be very circumspect of all information that purports division among those left of the Tea Party.
If those in power can keep us 'lefties', the majority of American voters, divided, they will stay in power.
Don't let them divide us. Don't share their attempts to divide.


Make Your Plan for Voting in the May Election

Made your plan to vote?

Start by picking a day.

Then decide on a time and ask someone to join you.

More here:

Want to Help Elect Democrats in Local May Elections?

The goal of the GCDP is to elect local Democrats in the county and support those who run for higher office and will represent us all in our national capital.
Let’s leave selection of the Democratic nominee for president to our democratic process, focus our discontent on our political opponents and their wealthy puppet masters who are destroying our democratic processes, and work hard toward turning out a huge majority, not only in Nov 2020, but for our local candidates. We have six:
In 2017, we won three of five elections. Let’s make 2019 a clean sweep.

Become a sustaining donar:

Get on our mailing list:


Unwarranted Government Shutdown - Press Release Issued by GCDP

GCDP Calls for an End to the Unwarranted Government Shutdown:
“The furlough is damaging many families and businesses in Galveston County and should end immediately.”  GCDP Chair John Young.




Thanks to Carol Andrews, Shadan Larki, Joyce Townsend, Dani Rollins, Michael Rogillio, Teresa Kumelski, and Detra Jones for putting this together for Chairman Young.


GCDP Digital Communication Resources

The Galveston County Democratic Party makes use of various electronic means of communication to keep you informed.   This email list and our two Facebook pages are our primary means of communication for known supporters.   Facebook and other tools are used to grow our supporter base.
Most of you are aware of most of these resources, whether you use them or not.   Some, who have recently provided their email as volunteers or meeting attendees, were provided this information when they were added to this county email list.  However, to make sure we are all up-to-date on what’s available:
- If you are a member of Facebook, we have a group and a page.   You can join our Galveston County Dems (GCD) Group, where meeting notices are posted.   This group is open for all members to share items of political interest with everyone else in the group.  Contribute as you see fit, just never speak ill of any member of the group.   Members are vetted as much as possible, so there are no known trolls in this group.
- To receive Facebook notifications of new communications from the GCDP, like our party Page.   This page is used exclusively for GCDP communications and promoting the party through paid Facebook ads.   This page also gets notifications of activities posted in the GCD Facebook Group and users can leave messages for the party leadership on this page.
- Visit our GCDP web site which includes a blog, contact information, a link for donations, and other state and county information.   People who find us here can provide contact information, volunteer, get added to our county email list, etc.   The web site is also connected to our GCDP Facebook Page and the county chair’s Twitter account to capture followers and Likes as potential new supporters.  It also includes a unique phone number for people to leave voicemail.
- If you have a twitter account, we have four accounts you can to follow:
@BGTXGC, @GCDPChair, @galvestonyds, and @NdDems
- If you have an Instagram account, we post here:
- If you'd like to receive GCDP text messages, text ADDME to 281-819-5235.   This is the same phone number as on our web site where people can leave voicemail for party leadership if they don’t have any other means of contact.
For information on local non-partisan elections, elected official's names, office terms, bond issues, etc., please visit the specific web site for your local entity.  (If someone would like to create a complete county list of websites for all city councils, high school and higher-learning boards of education, etc., we can create a webpage on the GCDP website to share that list.)

New Year of County Party and Club Meetings Has Started

We just held our first official GCDP Field Ops meeting to plan for the 2019 and 2020 election of Democrats.  We had great attendance including new volunteers.
For the rest of the month of January, we have several club meetings around the county.
These clubs are standalone organizations that support the GCDP and Democratic candidates.  They are not an official part of the GCDP or the TDP, but Democratic candidates and the Party leadership attend these club meetings to keep club members informed and collect feedback.
The leaders of these clubs are responsible only to the dues paying club members and the clubs are governed by these leaders and any by-laws the clubs may have created.   These clubs are NOT governed by Texas Elections code or the rules of the Texas Democratic Party.   However, their treasurers are accountable to the Texas Ethics Commission and must provide periodic financial reports on club income and expenses to the TEC.
The primary summary for the meetings coming up  during the next 30 days is maintained on the Galveston County Democrats Facebook page:
Meeting notifications are also sent via email.  Some emails come from the club leadership directly.  Others come via this email list for the county.
The next club to meet is the Galveston County Democrats club, the oldest club in the county.  Here are the basic details:
Tuesday, January 8, 2019, from 6:30 PM – 8 PM
IBEW Local Union 527
2509 FM 2004 Rd, 
Texas City, Texas 77591
Contact information for the county party and these clubs is available on this web page.
Join and participate as you can.

Useful Links for GCDP Precinct Chairs

Volunteer Post a suggestion